my poetic thoughts on this headline I woke up to today: "State Dept. Halts Passport Applications
with Gender Nonbinary “X” Marker"

I was "X" before you decreed to ex out
my existence from passports and public life.
My given last name, abbreviated X because
"it was all Greek", too Greek, too alien
to most in these so-called "United"
States and kids who grew up
to become bible-thumping bigots
and made sure that X was wrong too
and needed to go back to its own country.
Your fixation on what's between legs
instead of inside people's heads
engenders what's wrong with this country
devoid of compassion and common sense.
The only use I have for this mandatory F
is F for I don't give a Fuck about your
fucked up opinions that know
no conscience or science, just division.
I eXist.
I am loudly proud (and terrified) to be
the nonbinary neurodivergent immigrant
you so desperately want to draw a big X over.
But I’ve been overcoming generational trauma
and bullying and abuse all my life
to back down now; I refuse to hide!
WOW!!!! It’s so good. I can literally feel the different energy coming from this one. The play with the X is so smart but also duh I just realized how this is such a poignant symbol if you’re the X so to speak? And that there’s no guidelines in this just pure expression! It’s like someone ripped apart a heavy blanket that was thrown on you before ?
This gave me chills! I relate to the feeling of both pride and fear about showing/being who I am. I love this affirmation to keep showing up as your authentic self. -Nina
I LOVE this one! Very powerful message.