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First Lick of Sunshine (prose poem)

Writer's picture: ReiRei

there's nothing quite like tasting the light after seemingly eternal winter...

Agnes from "Despicable Me" holding a yellow swirl lollipop. Three larger lollipops of the same type are towering over her, the middle one exuding sunrays.  The one to the left includes the words "first lick," the middle one includes the word "of," and the right one includes the word "sunshine"—all in a yellow black-outlined font
Agnes from "Despicable Me" holding a yellow swirl lollipop. Three larger lollipops of the same type are towering over her, the middle one exuding sunrays. The one to the left includes the words "first lick," the middle one includes the word "of," and the right one includes the word "sunshine"—all in a yellow black-outlined font

Happy Almost Spring Equinox/Ostara to those of you in the northern hemisphere 💛! This eccentric prose piece is dedicated to the bedazzlement one experiences post-Winter when the Earth bursts with new life and one's heart finally reconnects with the sunshine ☀️. As of late, I've been writing lots of poems with the inner child in mind. I want to really tap into that carefree playfulness in my writing. Strange makes my heart happiest. 😌

"First Lick of Sunshine" is inspired by one of my best friend's poetry prompts (she's @ScentOfSnowfall on IG). 🌞


That first lick of sunshine after my black-bear-level hibernation? It tastes just like the first time trying an orange creamsicle as a child after hours of biking and shooting hoops and running around wild as if there would never ever be adult responsibilities like doing taxes and cleaning out gutters and whatever else it is grown-ups do (I'm still figuring it out).

That first lick of sunshine after decade-long dingy? Lemonade. Extra sweet. Sickly sweet to me now, but to 10-year-old me at my very first lemonade stand? To hell with cavities! It was saccharine lip-smacking tart perfection for a quarter. I'd pay the house down-payment I've been saving up for just to relive a day as carefree as that one, a yellow Solo plastic cup of kid-version Joe or not.

That first lick of sunshine after ongoing overcast has made a free-spirited sunchild out of me. And I'll take a second or third until this soft belly of mine is brimming with so much shimmering light that I can't possibly be a storm cloud anymore! I'll grin real big too, gilded liquid dripping from my chin.


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☀️Sunrei Poetry © 2025☀️

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