poet ☀️ poetry editor ☀️ artist
ποιήτρια☀️επιμελητής ποίησης☀️καλλιτέχνης
Not long after my first breath, I've been steeped in creative expression. As a neurovaried writer, poetic activist, and soul having a human experience, I create art with mystical elements and focus a great deal on social justice (FREE 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇸🇩...!), compassion, and mental health. I also write about my lived experiences as an AuDHD (Autistic & ADHD) nonbinary person to raise awareness and advocate for acceptance. Career-wise, I'm a freelance writer (of author biographies and poetry book blurbs mainly) and poetry book editor.
My greatest hope as a poet is to uplift people and help them heal through the power of words. There is really nothing more fulfilling to me than knowing I added even a smidgen of sunlight to someone's day. 🌞
Λίγο μετά απο την πρώτη μου αναπνοή, ήμουν βυθισμένη στη δημιουργική έκφραση. Ως νευροαποκλίνων συγγραφέας, ποιητικός ακτιβιστής, και ψυχή έχοντας ανθρώπινη εμπειρία, δημιουργώ τέχνη με μυστικιστικά στοιχεία και εστιάζω πολύ στην κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη (Ανεξαρτησία για την Παλαιστίνη, το Κονγκό, το Σουδάν...), τη συμπόνια, και την ψυχική υγεία. Γράφω επίσης για τις εμπειρίες μου ως αυτιστικό και nonbinary άτομο με ΔΕΠΥ για να δημιουργήσω ευαισθητοποίηση και να υποστηρίξω την αποδοχή. Για την καριέρα μου, είμαι συγγραφέας και επιμελητής ποιητικών βιβλίων.
Η μεγαλύτερη ελπίδα μου ως ποιήτρια είναι να εμπνεύσω άλλους και να τους βοηθήσω να θεραπεύσουν μέσω της δύναμης των λέξεων. Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα πιο ικανοποιητικό για μένα από να ξέρω ότι πρόσθεσα έστω και λίγο φως στη μέρα κάποιου. 🌞
Love & Sunrays | Με Αγάπη & Ηλιαχτίδες,
☀Welcome! Καλως ήρθατε! ☀
☀️We're living during some chaotic times, that's for sure. My way of dealing with the uprooting of human rights is writing poetry. Poetry for change is my form of social justice!
☀️On occasion, I'll be writing/reciting Greek poetry and translating it into English (and vice versa) to maintain my fluency and honour my Hellenic heritage.
☀️I moved my blog from Substack to this website, so most things can be found in one place.
☀️A writing/art group I was a co-admin of (Poetic Souls) since 2020 on Instagram has moved to Discord at the beginning of the year. It's a creative space to create, collaborate, and relax without the countless pressures of social media. Please contact me if you're interested in joining.
☀️I created a Substack blog.
☀️My poetry book titled Spectral Lines is out now.
☀️My poem "But you were born 'a girl'..." has been published in Trans_Muted Issue 7.
☀️My poem "Rest Easy" has been published in Aurtistic Zine Volume 5: Rest.
☀️My poem "Warm Shoulders" has been published in Wishbone Words Issue 10: Brainfog/Anxiety.
☀️I launched an Autism poetry community page for Autistic poets called Autistic Poetics. I stepped down from Our Words Heard to focus on it.
☀️I now offer poetry editing, critiques, author bios, and other services for poets on this website! Go here.
☀️My poetry/philosophy book titled Nova Conscientia is available!
☀️I became a brand ambassador for Fund A Hive, an initiative that helps bees while selling sustainable, organic clothing.