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We're Here | Φτάσαμε (poem)

Writer's picture: ReiRei

It took a lot for little me to get here, and I consider that one of my life's greatest achievements: overcoming the dark instead of succumbing to it and losing my spark.

a stained glass image of a person surounded by flowers
a stained glass image of a person surounded by flowers

I initially wrote this piece in Greek and translated into English, which is why I included that version first. Usually, I write in English first, but even more got lost in translation when shifting everything to Greek than the other way around. Plus, I've come to find that writing in Greek is more fun due to the almost effortless rhythmicality of the words (so many words end in 'o' or 'a', making accidental rhyming a breeze). I also realize there's a simplicity to my writing because while I grew up bilingual (I still am), I've become more fluent in English because all my interactions are in English, and I live in an English-speaking country. Lately, I've been challenging myself to think in Greek and read more Greek books. It's disheartening realizing how much of my fluency has been lost, but I know I'll be able to reclaim it, for there was a time when English was a struggle and I overcame that. With no further ado...



Μου έρχεται στα όνειρα μου:

ο μικρός μου εαυτός,

και μου λέει ιστορίες για

έναν άνθρωπο λαμπερό σαν πανσέληνο και ήλιο ταυτόχρονα,

έναν άνθρωπο που ανθίζει με κάθε χαμόγελο,

έναν άνθρωπο που είναι πιο μάνα από την ίδια του την μητέρα,

έναν άνθρωπο που γράφει ποιήματα κάθε μέρα για τα δέντρα και τα αστέρια...

Ο μικρός μου εαυτός είναι τόσο ευγνώμων

που κλαίει δάκρυα συγκινημένα

όταν με κοιτάει με τα μάτια του τα δυό.

《Εσύ είσαι εμένα,

εμένα εσύ...

Ζήσαμε σκοτάδια που ούτε η νύχτα ξέρει.

Ζούμε τώρα

μετά από τόση ανηφόρα.

Είμαι τόσο περήφανη που φτάσαμε ως εδώ.》


We’re Here

They come to me in my dreams:

my younger self,

and they tell me stories about

a person who's luminous like a full moon and sun simultaneously,

a person who blooms with every smile,

a person who is more of a mother than their mom ever was,

a person who writes daily poems about the stars and the trees.

My little self is so grateful that they cry tears of joy

when they look at me.

"You are me

and I am you.

We lived a darkness that even the night doesn't know.

We are here now

after so much uphill struggle.

I am so proud that we have come this far."


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8 comentarios

26 nov 2024

Such a tremendously touching poem. Thank you so much for sharing this. It resonated greatly with me (and my relationship with my inner child self).

The line "We lived a darkness that even the night doesn't know." Nearly made me cry. I felt like someone really GETS it!!! Thank you for getting it in such a poignant way. Thank you for saying what I have trouble verbalising.

You are a tremendous poet and a tremendous human being. 💜

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26 nov 2024
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Wow... thank you so much!! Truly. What a heartfelt comment 😭💛💛💛

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18 nov 2024

It makes me so happy to hear that your child self is happy with who you are and what you've overcome. Life takes so many twists and turns that it's hard to retain our truest selves through it all. Still, you've endured life's hardships and emerged with your self intact, and I'm grateful for that. It's part of why you're the best person I know.

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20 nov 2024
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You saying that means the world to me ☺️! Thank you so much for being here for me along the journey of reclaiming/returning to my truest self. 💛💛💛

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14 nov 2024

"My little self is so grateful that they cry tears of joy when they look at me" 😭😭 count me with them! You've come so far and you deserve all the juicy goodness💗

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14 nov 2024
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Aww, thank you so much 😊💛💛💛! I tried my best, and I'm glad I did. Now little me can finally feel safe.

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14 nov 2024

“We lived in a darkness that even the night doesn’t know” - this line sent chills down my spine. This is such a tender poem, I can really feel the love that you have for your younger self (and that they have for you). I wish I spoke Greek so I could know how it sounds and feels in that language. Beautiful!

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14 nov 2024
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Thanks so much 😊💛💛💛! I'm glad to hear the love was palpable. The fact that I was able to overcome darkness unknown to the night itself gives me hope. I'll definitely consider including recordings in future posts.

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☀️Sunrei Poetry © 2025☀️

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